Personal Archive research-
Into the obsessions of Islands or imaginary isolated places

- 2021, Bern

This performance research started with a simple obsession with the Rose Island story, which is this story of this engineer, Grogio Rosa, who building a 400 m2 steel artificial platform and declares it independent, and he himself became the president of the place, using collections of photos and live drawing of a new companion character to further explore into similar obsessions and fantasies to inquire the psychological needs and reasons behind this obsession through personal archive. The very unique process of the alteration of history of identities and the rebuilding through each move is explored. Through a repetitive physical act of moving, the psychological longing of searching for a home is embodied through the physical act of searching in different cities. And also bringing an additional subjective eye to the identity of the “foreigner”, and this peculiar in-between place between belonging and not belonging to a place in connection to the concept of freedom.

This research was also inspired by the concept of Islomania (A fascination with islands) and the psychological longing to avoid certain parts of human identities and societies.

Presented format inspired by lecture performance with live drawing. Concept inspired by my obsession of the story of Rose Island
(a short-lived micronation on a man-made platform in the AdriaticSea).
Component: archive materials, (photos, tickets, texts), camera,
projector, table light, projection screen, pencils, paper, eraser, live
drawing of an imaginary friend and story-happening.
Text, creation and performed by Kuan-Hsuan Lee.